Loud chatter and laughter can be heard in a simple stone house near Auroville It’s six o’clock Tuesday evening. Loud chatter and laughter can be heard in a simple stone house on the edge of a village near Auroville. Twenty girls, ages ten to sixteen, sit in a circle on the floor. They are together…
Read MoreWat een avontuur! De Nederlandse Brigitte runt al ruim 10 jaar projecten voor arme kinderen in Zuid-India. Ze besloot in het land te gaan wonen en kreeg er zelfs een zoontje. “Soms vragen mensen waarom ik een kind van mezelf wilde terwijl ik zoveel weeskinderen onder mijn hoede heb.” Fabulous MAMA magazine In het interview,…
Read MoreProjects and Activities Isai Ragam
Sri Aurobindo emphasized that education should be in accordance with the needs of modern life. In other words, education should create dynamic citizens so that they are able to meet the needs of modern complex life. He also mentioned that physical development is one of the chief aims of education.
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